


Showcase your hidden culinary talents by selling your home-made products from your own house.

Published by Zoom Start-Ups on October 4th, 2021.


            In an effort to support and encourage small businesses during these trying times the government of Ontario made some changes to the Food Premises Regulations which went into effect on January 1, 2020. It was intended to make it easier for persons such as private chefs, home-cooks, home-bakers and farmer’s market vendors who operate home based food businesses to offer what is considered low-risk home-made food products for sale.  



            Even though home-based food businesses that prepare only low-risk foods may be exempt from certain regulatory requirements, as a food operator, all food premises, including home-based food businesses, must adhere to periodic inspections by their local public health unit as well as other requirements under the Health Protection and Promotion Act (HPPA) and the Food Premises Regulation.  We can help with the required documentation needed for your new business.


            In a concerted effort to help small businesses thrive, the Ontario government published a guide on starting a home-based food business which included information on public health requirements food operators must follow. Whether you are a newcomer to Canada or you already own a small business you wish to grow, our accredited consultant is always ready to evaluate your eligibility and review all documentation on your behalf.  



According to government health official standards low-risk food items are generally considered non-hazardous and do not require time and temperature control.  Some examples of low-risk foods items include:

• Most breads and buns (without meat, cream filling, etc.)

• Most baked goods (with no custard)

• Chocolate, hard candies and brittles

• Fudge and toffees

• Pickles, jams and preserves

• Granola, trail mix, nuts and seeds

• Cakes (icing that doesn’t require refrigeration), brownies, muffins and cookies

• Coffee beans and tea leaves



            In order to operate your home-based food business you are required to inform your local public health department that you are a new food operator and complete an application form. Do not concern yourself with unnecessary paperwork, our authorized expert can help.


Public health officials will guide you through food safety measures on food preparation and safe food practices, etc. They will also offer assistance with food labelling, declaring allergens and food safety measures pertaining to your unique business.



            If you are ready to begin your business contact Zoom Start-Ups today and let our qualified professional assist with all the necessary information and paperwork pertaining to the zoning by-laws, municipal permits and licensing requirements that apply to all the particular aspects of your business.








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